This is an Arch Linux port to the RISC-V architecture.
The hardware baseline is RV64GC and the ABI is lp64d.
Currently QEMU, HiFive Unmatched, HiFive Unleashed and PolarFire SoC Icicle Kit are officially supported.
The [unsupported] repository has a linux-sophgo package for experimental Milk-V Pioneer (SG2042) support.
Other boards (except those with AX45MP) may work with a BSP or custom kernel.
This port applies patches on top of Arch Linux's source packages. All our patches are maintained in the patch repository below.
The long term goal is to upstream our patches as much as possible, so that riscv64 (riscv64gc) could be added to Arch Linux itself as an alternative architecture.
Note: Except for those listed in the blacklist, all packages should be either up-to-date or listed in the detailed status page above.
Last Updates
IRC: #archlinuxriscv at
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